military rank

英 [ˈmɪlətri ræŋk] 美 [ˈmɪləteri ræŋk]

网络  军衔


  1. In the military, Harry is known by the surname Wales and by his rank in the Blues and Royals& that of cornet, equivalent to a second lieutenant.
  2. Since then, the prince has immersed himself in military and charity work, gradually improving his profile, and this month he was promoted to the rank of captain after completing five years` service.
  3. ( in some countries) a military officer of highest rank.
  4. Of military officers; holding by virtue of a commission a rank of second lieutenant or ensign or above.
  5. A military officer, usually a skilled technician or a helicopter pilot, intermediate in rank between a noncommissioned officer and a commissioned officer, having authority by virtue of a warrant.
  6. When an officer retires from military service, his rank shall be preserved and identified as "retired".
  7. V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service.
  8. In the first visit to the United States in seven years by a Chinese military official of his rank, Gen.
  9. Colonel is the military rank between Lieutenant-Colonel and brigadier.
  10. The Discussion on the Legal Status and the Legislative Perfection of the Military Rank Deprivation
  11. No financial means tests were applied, no complex tax credits had to be computed, and, most important, no preferences were given for military rank or service experiences.
  12. Was awarded the military rank of commodore by President Ronald Reagan.
  13. Major refers to a military rank, denoting seniority at one of usually various levels of rank.
  14. The feudal country levied taxes, military service, servitude, and distinguished people's occupation or rank by household register, thereout the prominence characteristic system of the household register identity in China was formed.
  15. Discussion About Military Rank Deprivation
  16. AIM: To test the reliability and validity of Cattell 16 personality factor questionnaire ( 16PF) in military personnel, and to make a national norm, and to analyze the developmental characteristics of military personnel in gender, service years and military rank.
  17. There are distinct differences between this penalty and other related ones, such as military rank degradation and cancellation, reserve military deprivation and soldier military deprivation due to its unique content, special subject and manner as well as body dualism.
  18. The main factors to influence mental health of soldiers included mental adaptation, military rank and educational level.
  19. AIM: To analyze the differences and characteristics of the evaluation made by the military officers of different ranks on the coherence of competency of low rank military officers following literature review on the psychological characteristics of excellent officers.
  20. The executors have the rights to hold guns, and are endowed with military rank.



  1. rank in a military organization

      Synonym:    military ratingpaygraderating